ptypy.utils package


ptypy.utils.array_utils module

utility functions to manipulate/reshape numpy arrays.

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

ptypy.utils.array_utils.c_zoom(c, *arg, **kwargs)

Deprecated, kept for backward compatibility only.

Wrapper scipy.ndimage.zoom function and shares the same input arguments.

It performs a complex overlaod if the input is complex.


c (numpy.ndarray) – Array to shiftzoom. Can be float or complex


Zoomed array

Return type


ptypy.utils.array_utils.crop_pad(A, hplane_list, axes=None, cen=None, fillpar=0.0, filltype='scalar')

Crops or pads a volume array A with a number of hyperplanes according to parameters in hplanes Wrapper for crop_pad_axis.

  • A (array-like) – input array of any shape

  • hplane_list (array-like, list) – list of scalars or tupels counting the number of hyperplanes to crop / pad see crop_pad_axis() for detail. If N=len(hplane_list) has less entries than dimensions of A, the last N axes are used

  • axes (tuple, list) – tuple / list of axes to be used for cropping / padding, has to be same length as hplanes

  • cen – center of array, padding/cropping occurs at cen + A.shape / 2


Cropped or padded array.

Return type


See also



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from ptypy.utils import crop_pad
>>> V=np.random.rand(3,5,5)

Pads 4 planes of zeros on the last axis (2 on low side and 2 on high side) and pads 3 planes of zeros on the second last axis (2 on low side and 1 on high side):

>>> B=crop_pad(V,[3,4])

Also equivalent:

>>> B=crop_pad(V,[(2,1),(2,2)])
>>> B=crop_pad(V,[(2,1),(2,2)], axes=[-2,-1],fillpar=0.0,filltype='scalar')

None-peripheral cropping /padding:

>>> from ptypy.utils import grids
>>> fftshift_grid = grids((6,4),center = 'fft')
>>> cropped_grid=crop_pad(V,[-2,4],cen='fft')

Note that cropping/ padding now occurs at the start and end of fourier coordinates useful for cropping /padding high frequencies in fourier space.

ptypy.utils.array_utils.crop_pad_axis(A, hplanes, axis=- 1, roll=0, fillpar=0.0, filltype='scalar')

Crops or pads a volume array A at beginning and end of axis axis with a number of hyperplanes specified by hplanes

  • A (array-like) – Input array, should be at least one-dimensional

  • hplanes (int or tuple of int) – Number of hyperplanes to add or remove in total. If tuple of 2 ints, this value is interpreted as (begin, end). See the Note for more information.

  • axis (int, optional) – axis to be used for cropping / padding

  • roll (int,) – Roll array backwards by this number prior to padding / cropping. The roll is reversed afterwards

  • fillpar – See pad_lr for explqanation

  • filltype – See pad_lr for explqanation


Cropped / padded array

Return type


See also

pad_lr, crop_pad


  • if hplanes is scalar and negativ :

    crops symmetrically, low-index end of axis is preferred if hplane is odd,

  • if hplanes is scalar and positiv :

    pads symmetrically with a fill specified with ‘fillpar’ and ‘filltype’ look at function pad_lr() for detail.

  • if hplanes is tupel :

    function pads /crops at (begin, end) according to the tupel.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from ptypy.utils import crop_pad_axis
>>> A=np.ones((8,9))

Add a total of 2 rows, one at top, one at bottom.

>>> B=crop_pad_axis(A,2,0)

That is the same as

>>> B = crop_pad_axis(A,(1,1),0))

Crop 3 columns on the left side and pad 2 columns on the right:

>>> B = crop_pad_axis(A,(-3,2),1)

Crop one plane on low-side and high-side (total of 2) of Volume V:

>>> V=np.random.rand(3,5,5)
>>> B=crop_pad_axis(V,-2,0)

Mirror volume 3 planes on low side of row axis, crop 2 planes on high side:

>>> B=crop_pad_axis(V,(3,-2),1,filltype='mirror')
ptypy.utils.array_utils.crop_pad_symmetric_2d(A, newshape, center=None)

Crops or pads Array A symmetrically along the last two axes (-2,-1) around center center to a new shape newshape.

  • A (array-like) – Input array, must be at least two-dimensional.

  • newshape (tuple, array_like) – New shape (for the last two axes). Must have at least 2 entries.

  • center (tuple, array_like, optional) – This coordinate tuple marks the center for cropping / padding If None, np.array(A.shape[-2:]) // 2 will be the center


  • out (ndarray) – Cropped or padded array with shape A.shape[:-2]+newshape[-2:]

  • center (tuple) – Center in returned array, should be in the actual center of array.

ptypy.utils.array_utils.ellipsis(grids, dims=None, ew=2)
ptypy.utils.array_utils.grids(sh, psize=None, center='geometric', FFTlike=True)

q0,q1,... = grids(sh) returns centered coordinates for a N-dimensional array of shape sh (pixel units)

q0,q1,... = grids(sh,psize) gives the coordinates scaled according to the given pixel size psize.

q0,q1,... = grids(sh,center='fftshift') gives the coordinates shifted according to fftshift convention for the origin

q0,q1,... = grids(sh,psize,center=(c0,c1,c2,...)) gives the coordinates according scaled with psize having the origin at (c0,c1,..)

  • sh (tuple of int) – The shape of the N-dimensional array

  • psize (float or tuple of float) – Pixel size in each dimensions

  • center (tupel of int) – Tuple of pixel, or use center='fftshift' for fftshift-like grid and center='geometric' for the matrix center as grid origin

  • FFTlike (bool) – If False, grids ar not bound by the interval [-sh//2:sh//2[


The coordinate grids

Return type


ptypy.utils.array_utils.mirror(A, axis=- 1)

Mirrors array A along one axis axis

  • A (array-like) – Input array

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis along which the array will be mirrored


A view to the mirrored array.

Return type


ptypy.utils.array_utils.pad_lr(A, axis, l, r, fillpar=0.0, filltype='scalar')

Pads ndarray A orthogonal to axis with l layers (pixels,lines,planes,…) on low side an r layers on high side.

  • A (array-like) – Input array

  • axis (int) – Pads orthogonal to axis on with l layers (pixels,lines, planes,…) on low side an r layers on high side.

  • l (int) – Pads orthogonal to axis on with l layers (pixels,lines, planes,…) on low side an r layers on high side.

  • r (int) – Pads orthogonal to axis on with l layers (pixels,lines, planes,…) on low side an r layers on high side.

  • fillpar (scalar) – Scalar fill parameter for filltype=scalar fill.

  • filltype (str) –

    • ‘scalar’, uniformly pad with fillpar

    • ’mirror’, mirror A

    • ’periodic’, periodic fill

    • ’custom’, pad according arrays found in fillpar


Padded array

Return type


ptypy.utils.array_utils.rebin(a, *args, **kwargs)

Rebin ndarray data into a smaller ndarray of the same rank whose dimensions are factors of the original dimensions.


eg. An array with 6 columns and 4 rows can be reduced to have 6,3,2 or 1 columns and 4,2 or 1 rows.

  • a (ndarray) – Input array.

  • axis (int, Default=-1, optional) – The laplacian is computed along the provided axis or list of axes, or all axes if None


out – Rebinned array.

Return type



>>> import ptypy
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a=np.random.rand(6,4)
>>> b=ptypy.utils.rebin(a,3,2)
a.reshape(args[0],factor[0],args[1],factor[1],).sum(1).sum(2)*( 1./factor[0]/factor[1])
>>> a2=np.random.rand(6)
>>> b2=ptypy.utils.rebin(a2,2)
a.reshape(args[0],factor[0],).sum(1)*( 1./factor[0])
ptypy.utils.array_utils.rebin_2d(A, rebin=1)

Rebins array A symmetrically along the last 2 axes with factor rebin.

  • A (array-like) – input array, must be at least two-dimensional.

  • rebin (int) – rebin factor, rebin=2 means that a square of 4 pixels will be binned into one.


out – rebinned array. Note that data type casting follows numpy rules, so that boolean arrays are converted to int.

Return type


See also


ptypy.utils.array_utils.rectangle(grids, dims=None, ew=2)
ptypy.utils.array_utils.shift_zoom(c, zoom, cen_old, cen_new, **kwargs)

Move array from center cen_old to cen_new and perform a zoom zoom.

This function wraps scipy.ndimage.affine_transform and uses the same keyword arguments.

Addiionally, it allows for complex input and out by complex overloading, see complex_overload.

  • c (numpy.ndarray) – Array to shiftzoom. Can be float or complex

  • zoom (float) – Zoom factor

  • cen_old (array_like) – Center in input array c

  • cen_new (array_like) – Desired new center position in shiftzoomed array


Shifted and zoomed array

Return type


ptypy.utils.array_utils.switch_orientation(A, orientation, center=None)

Switches orientation of Array A along the last two axes (-2,-1)

  • A (array-like) – input array, must be at least twodimensional

  • orientation (tuple or int) –

    3-tuple of booleans (transpose,flipud,fliplr). If integer, value is converted according to binary representation:

    0: [False, False, False] 1: [False, False, True] 2: [False, True, False] 3: [False, True, True] 4: [True, False, False] 5: [True, False, True] 6: [True, True, False] 7: [True, True, True]

  • center (tuple, optional) – move this coordinate alomg with the transformations


  • out (ndarray) – A view of A where either rows, columns and axis may be reversed

  • center (tuple) – new center

ptypy.utils.array_utils.zoom(c, *arg, **kwargs)

Deprecated, kept for backward compatibility only.

Wrapper scipy.ndimage.zoom function and shares the same input arguments.

It performs a complex overlaod if the input is complex.


c (numpy.ndarray) – Array to shiftzoom. Can be float or complex


Zoomed array

Return type


ptypy.utils.math_utils module

Numerical util functions.

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.


Squared absolute value for an array A.

ptypy.utils.math_utils.c_gf(input, sigma, order=0, output=None, mode='reflect', cval=0.0, truncate=4.0)

complex input

Multidimensional Gaussian filter.

  • input (array_like) – The input array.

  • sigma (scalar or sequence of scalars) – Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. The standard deviations of the Gaussian filter are given for each axis as a sequence, or as a single number, in which case it is equal for all axes.

  • order (int or sequence of ints, optional) – The order of the filter along each axis is given as a sequence of integers, or as a single number. An order of 0 corresponds to convolution with a Gaussian kernel. A positive order corresponds to convolution with that derivative of a Gaussian.

  • output (array or dtype, optional) – The array in which to place the output, or the dtype of the returned array. By default an array of the same dtype as input will be created.

  • mode (str or sequence, optional) –

    The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended when the filter overlaps a border. By passing a sequence of modes with length equal to the number of dimensions of the input array, different modes can be specified along each axis. Default value is ‘reflect’. The valid values and their behavior is as follows:

    ’reflect’ (d c b a | a b c d | d c b a)

    The input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. This mode is also sometimes referred to as half-sample symmetric.

    ’constant’ (k k k k | a b c d | k k k k)

    The input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value, defined by the cval parameter.

    ’nearest’ (a a a a | a b c d | d d d d)

    The input is extended by replicating the last pixel.

    ’mirror’ (d c b | a b c d | c b a)

    The input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. This mode is also sometimes referred to as whole-sample symmetric.

    ’wrap’ (a b c d | a b c d | a b c d)

    The input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge.

    For consistency with the interpolation functions, the following mode names can also be used:


    This is a synonym for ‘constant’.


    This is a synonym for ‘reflect’.


    This is a synonym for ‘wrap’.

  • cval (scalar, optional) – Value to fill past edges of input if mode is ‘constant’. Default is 0.0.

  • truncate (float) – Truncate the filter at this many standard deviations. Default is 4.0.


gaussian_filter – Returned array of same shape as input.

Return type



The multidimensional filter is implemented as a sequence of 1-D convolution filters. The intermediate arrays are stored in the same data type as the output. Therefore, for output types with a limited precision, the results may be imprecise because intermediate results may be stored with insufficient precision.


>>> from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
>>> a = np.arange(50, step=2).reshape((5,5))
>>> a
array([[ 0,  2,  4,  6,  8],
       [10, 12, 14, 16, 18],
       [20, 22, 24, 26, 28],
       [30, 32, 34, 36, 38],
       [40, 42, 44, 46, 48]])
>>> gaussian_filter(a, sigma=1)
array([[ 4,  6,  8,  9, 11],
       [10, 12, 14, 15, 17],
       [20, 22, 24, 25, 27],
       [29, 31, 33, 34, 36],
       [35, 37, 39, 40, 42]])
>>> from scipy import misc
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> plt.gray()  # show the filtered result in grayscale
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)  # left side
>>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)  # right side
>>> ascent = misc.ascent()
>>> result = gaussian_filter(ascent, sigma=5)
>>> ax1.imshow(ascent)
>>> ax2.imshow(result)

Squared absolute value for an array A. If A is complex, the returned value is complex as well, with the imaginary part of zero.

ptypy.utils.math_utils.delxb(a, axis=- 1)

Backward first order derivative for finite difference calculation.


The first element along the derivative direction is set to 0.

Pixel units are used (\(\Delta x = \Delta h = 1\)).

  • a (ndarray) – Input array.

  • axis (int, Default=-1, optional) – Which direction used for the derivative.


out – Derived array.

Return type


ptypy.utils.math_utils.delxc(a, axis=- 1)

Central first order derivative for finite difference calculation.


Forward and backward derivatives are used for first and last elements along the derivative direction.

Pixel units are used (\(\Delta x = \Delta h = 1\)).

  • a (nd-numpy-array) – Input array.

  • axis (int, Default=-1, optional) – Which direction used for the derivative.


out – Derived array.

Return type


ptypy.utils.math_utils.delxf(a, axis=- 1, out=None)

Forward first order derivative for finite difference calculation.


The last element along the derivative direction is set to 0.

Pixel units are used (\(\Delta x = \Delta h = 1\)).

  • a (ndarray) – Input array.

  • axis (int, Default=-1, optional) – Which direction used for the derivative.

  • out (ndarray, Default=None, optional) – Array in wich the resault is written (same size as a).


out – Derived array.

Return type


ptypy.utils.math_utils.gauss_fwhm(x, fwhm=1.0, off=0.0)

Evaluates gaussian with full width half maximum

  • x (ndarray) – input array

  • fwhm (float,optional) – Full width at half maximum

  • off (float, optional) – Offset / shift

See also


ptypy.utils.math_utils.gaussian(x, std=1.0, off=0.0)

Evaluates gaussian standard normal

\[g(x)=\frac{1}{\mathrm{std}\sqrt{2\pi}}\,\exp \left(-\frac{(x-\mathrm{off})^2}{2 \mathrm{std}^2 }\right)\]
  • x (ndarray) – input array

  • std (float,optional) – Standard deviation

  • off (float, optional) – Offset / shift

ptypy.utils.math_utils.gaussian2D(size, std_x=1.0, std_y=1.0, off_x=0.0, off_y=0.0)

Evaluates normalized 2D gaussian on array of dimension size. Origin of coordinate system is in the center of the array.

  • size (int) – length of requested array

  • std_x (float,optional) – Standard deviation in x direction

  • std_y (float,optional) – Standard deviation in y direction

  • off_x (float, optional) – Offset / shift in x direction

  • off_y (float, optional) – Offset / shift in y direction, *arg, **kwargs)

Wrapper for scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter, that determines whether original or the complex function shall be used.

See also


ptypy.utils.math_utils.gf_2d(c, sigma, **kwargs)

Gaussian filter along the last 2 axes

See also

gf, c_gf




Squared norm


Orthogonalize the given list of modes or ndarray along first axis. specify procedure


modes (array-like or list) – List equally shaped arrays or array of higher dimension


  • amp (vector) – relative power of each mode

  • nplist (list) – List of modes, sorted in descending order

ptypy.utils.math_utils.rl_deconvolution(data, mtf, numiter)

Richardson Lucy deconvolution on a 2D numpy array.

  • data (2darray) – Diffraction data (measured intensity).

  • mtf (2darray) – Modulation transfer function (Fourier transform of detector PSF).

  • numiter (int) – Number of iterations.


  • out (2darray) – Approximated intensity after numiter iterations.

  • Note

  • Assumes that mtf is symmetric and that data is real and positive.

  • mtf is non fft shifted that means that the dc component is on mtf[0,0].

  • Todo

  • non symmetric mtf (mtf.conj()[-q] somewhere)

  • optimisation (FFTW? scipy fft? error metric cancel iter?)

  • Original code provided by M. Stockmar

ptypy.utils.math_utils.smooth_step(x, mfs)

Smoothed step function with fwhm mfs Evaluates the error function scipy.special.erf.

ptypy.utils.misc module

Miscellaneous utility functions with little dependencies from other modules

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

class ptypy.utils.misc.Table(dct, name='pods')

Bases: object

Basic table implemented using numpy.recarray Ideally subclassed to be used with faster or more flexible databases.


Add records at the end of the table.

insert_records(records, record_ids)

Insert records and overwrite existing content.

modify_add(record_ids, **kwargs)

Take selected record ids and overwrite fields with values **kwargs.


Add fields (columns) to the table. This is probably slow.

select_func(func, fields=None)

Find all records where search function func evaluates True. Arguments to the function are selected by fields. The search function will always receive the record_id as first argument.

select_match(field, match)

Find all records whose values are in the range [low,`high`] for the field entry field

select_range(field, low, high)

Find all records whose values are in the range [low,`high`] for the field entry field. Should be a numerical value.

ptypy.utils.misc.all_subclasses(cls, names=False)

Helper function for finding all subclasses of a base class. If names is True, returns the names of the classes rather than their object handles.


Makes path absolute and create all sub directories if needed.


filename (str) – A filename.


Overloads function specified only for floats in the following manner

\[\mathrm{complex\_overload}\{f\}(c) = f(\Re(c)) + \mathrm{i} f(\Im(c))\]

Calculate electron wavelength based on energy in keV:

\[\lambda = hc / \sqrt{E * (2moc^2 + E)}\]

electron_energy (float) – in units of keV


wavelength – in units of meter

Return type



Generates 1d numpy array with 2 entries generated from multiple inputs (tuples, arrays, scalars). Main puprose of this function is to circumvent debugging of input as very often a 2-vector is requred in scripts


>>> from ptypy.utils import expect2
>>> expect2( 3.0 )
array([ 3.,  3.])
>>> expect2( (3.0,4.0) )
array([ 3.,  4.])
>>> expect2( (1.0, 3.0,4.0) )
array([ 1.,  3.])

Generates 1d numpy array with 3 entries generated from multiple inputs (tuples, arrays, scalars). Main puprose of this function is to circumvent debugging of input.


>>> from ptypy.utils import expect3
>>> expect3( 3.0 )
array([ 3.,  3.,  3.])
>>> expect3( (3.0,4.0) )
array([ 3.,  4.,  4.])
>>> expect3( (1.0, 3.0,4.0) )
array([ 1.,  3.,  4.])
ptypy.utils.misc.expectN(a, N)

This function should be used for checking if an object is of string type


Convert photon energy in keV to wavelength (in vacuum) in meters.


Convert photon energy in keV to wavelength (in vacuum) in nanometers.


Convert wavelength in meters to photon energy in keV.


Convert wavelength in nanometers to photon energy in keV.


Transforms numpy array A of strings to np.uint8 and back


>>> from ptypy.utils import str2int
>>> A=np.array('hallo')
>>> A
array('hallo', dtype='|S5')
>>> str2int(A)
array([104,  97, 108, 108, 111], dtype=uint8)
>>> str2int(str2int(A))
array('hallo', dtype='|S5')

Generates an index list from string input s


>>> # Same as range(1,4,2)
>>> str2range('1:4:2')
>>> # Same as range(1,2)
>>> str2range('1')

Makes path absolute and unique


filename (str) – A filename.

ptypy.utils.parallel module

Utility functions and classes to support MPI computing.

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

class ptypy.utils.parallel.LoadManager

Bases: object

Keeps track of the amount of data managed by each process and helps keeping it balanced.


A LoadManager should always be given the full range of ids, as the all-knowing power stems from the fact that it always knows how many processes there are, what rank it has and the full range of ids to distribute. Hence, please “assign” always the same list across all nodes.


Subdivide the provided list of ids into contiguous blocks to balance the load among the processes.

The elements of idlist are used as keys to subsequently identify the rank of a given id, through the dict self.rank_of. No check is done whether ids passed are unique or even hashable (they better are)

If idlist is None, increase by one the load of the least busy process. rank_of is not updated in this case.


idlist (list) – List of objects that can also be keys in a dict, i.e. hashable objects.


R – A nested list, (a list of lists) such that R[rank]=list of elements of idlist managed by process of given rank.

Return type



Represents the number of elements assigned to this process.


Rank of specific id, i.e. element of idlist.


Resets LoadManager to initial state.

ptypy.utils.parallel.MPInoise2d(sh, rms=1.0, mfs=2, rms_mod=None, mfs_mod=2)

Creates complex-valued statistical noise in the shape of sh consistent across all nodes.

  • sh (tuple) – Output shape.

  • rms (float or None) – Root mean square of noise in phase. If None, only ones are returned.

  • mfs (float) – Minimum feature size [in pixel] of noise in phase.

  • rms_mod (float or None) – Root mean square of noise in amplitude / modulus.

  • mfs_mod – Minimum feature size [in pixel] of noise in amplitude / modulus.


noise – Numpy array filled with noise

Return type


ptypy.utils.parallel.MPIrand_normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=1)

Wrapper for np.random.normal for same random sample across all nodes. See numpy/scipy documentation below.

normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)

Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution.

The probability density function of the normal distribution, first derived by De Moivre and 200 years later by both Gauss and Laplace independently 2, is often called the bell curve because of its characteristic shape (see the example below).

The normal distributions occurs often in nature. For example, it describes the commonly occurring distribution of samples influenced by a large number of tiny, random disturbances, each with its own unique distribution 2.


New code should use the normal method of a default_rng() instance instead; please see the random-quick-start.

  • loc (float or array_like of floats) – Mean (“centre”) of the distribution.

  • scale (float or array_like of floats) – Standard deviation (spread or “width”) of the distribution. Must be non-negative.

  • size (int or tuple of ints, optional) – Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. If size is None (default), a single value is returned if loc and scale are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(loc, scale).size samples are drawn.


out – Drawn samples from the parameterized normal distribution.

Return type

ndarray or scalar

See also


probability density function, distribution or cumulative density function, etc.


which should be used for new code.


The probability density for the Gaussian distribution is

\[p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{ 2 \pi \sigma^2 }} e^{ - \frac{ (x - \mu)^2 } {2 \sigma^2} },\]

where \(\mu\) is the mean and \(\sigma\) the standard deviation. The square of the standard deviation, \(\sigma^2\), is called the variance.

The function has its peak at the mean, and its “spread” increases with the standard deviation (the function reaches 0.607 times its maximum at \(x + \sigma\) and \(x - \sigma\) 2). This implies that normal is more likely to return samples lying close to the mean, rather than those far away.



Wikipedia, “Normal distribution”,


P. R. Peebles Jr., “Central Limit Theorem” in “Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles”, 4th ed., 2001, pp. 51, 51, 125.


Draw samples from the distribution:

>>> mu, sigma = 0, 0.1 # mean and standard deviation
>>> s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000)

Verify the mean and the variance:

>>> abs(mu - np.mean(s))
0.0  # may vary
>>> abs(sigma - np.std(s, ddof=1))
0.1  # may vary

Display the histogram of the samples, along with the probability density function:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s, 30, density=True)
>>> plt.plot(bins, 1/(sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) *
...                np.exp( - (bins - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2) ),
...          linewidth=2, color='r')

Two-by-four array of samples from N(3, 6.25):

>>> np.random.normal(3, 2.5, size=(2, 4))
array([[-4.49401501,  4.00950034, -1.81814867,  7.29718677],   # random
       [ 0.39924804,  4.68456316,  4.99394529,  4.84057254]])  # random
ptypy.utils.parallel.MPIrand_uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=1)

Wrapper for np.random.uniform for same random sample across all nodes. See numpy/scipy documentation below.

uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=None)

Draw samples from a uniform distribution.

Samples are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval [low, high) (includes low, but excludes high). In other words, any value within the given interval is equally likely to be drawn by uniform.


New code should use the uniform method of a default_rng() instance instead; please see the random-quick-start.

  • low (float or array_like of floats, optional) – Lower boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be greater than or equal to low. The default value is 0.

  • high (float or array_like of floats) – Upper boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be less than or equal to high. The high limit may be included in the returned array of floats due to floating-point rounding in the equation low + (high-low) * random_sample(). The default value is 1.0.

  • size (int or tuple of ints, optional) – Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. If size is None (default), a single value is returned if low and high are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(low, high).size samples are drawn.


out – Drawn samples from the parameterized uniform distribution.

Return type

ndarray or scalar

See also


Discrete uniform distribution, yielding integers.


Discrete uniform distribution over the closed interval [low, high].


Floats uniformly distributed over [0, 1).


Alias for random_sample.


Convenience function that accepts dimensions as input, e.g., rand(2,2) would generate a 2-by-2 array of floats, uniformly distributed over [0, 1).


which should be used for new code.


The probability density function of the uniform distribution is

\[p(x) = \frac{1}{b - a}\]

anywhere within the interval [a, b), and zero elsewhere.

When high == low, values of low will be returned. If high < low, the results are officially undefined and may eventually raise an error, i.e. do not rely on this function to behave when passed arguments satisfying that inequality condition. The high limit may be included in the returned array of floats due to floating-point rounding in the equation low + (high-low) * random_sample(). For example:

>>> x = np.float32(5*0.99999999)
>>> x


Draw samples from the distribution:

>>> s = np.random.uniform(-1,0,1000)

All values are within the given interval:

>>> np.all(s >= -1)
>>> np.all(s < 0)

Display the histogram of the samples, along with the probability density function:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s, 15, density=True)
>>> plt.plot(bins, np.ones_like(bins), linewidth=2, color='r')
ptypy.utils.parallel.allreduce(a, op=None)

Wrapper for comm.Allreduce, always in place.

  • a (numpy-ndarray) – The array to operate on.

  • op (operation) – MPI operation to execute. None or one of MPI.BAND, MPI.BOR, MPI.BXOR, MPI.LAND, MPI.LOR, MPI.LXOR, MPI.MAX, MPI.MAXLOC, MPI.MIN, MPI.MINLOC, MPI.OP_NULL, MPI.PROD, MPI.REPLACE or MPI.SUM. If None, uses MPI.SUM.


Explanation : If process #1 has ndarray a and process #2 has ndarray b. After calling allreduce, the new arrays after allreduce are a'=op(a,b) and b'=op(a,b) on process #1 and #2 respectively


Wrapper for comm.Barrier.

ptypy.utils.parallel.bcast(data, source=0)

Wrapper for comm.bcast and comm.Bcast. If data is a numpy.ndarray, a header will be broadcasted first with comm.bcast that contains information on array shape and data type. Afterwards the array will be sent with comm.Bcast. If data is not a numpy.ndarray, the whole object will be pickled and broadcasted with comm.bcast in one go.

  • data (ndarray or other) – Object to send

  • source (int) – The rank of the source node / process. Defaults to 0 (master).

  • tag (int) – Defaults to 0.

See also

receive, send

ptypy.utils.parallel.bcast_dict(dct, keys='all', source=0)

Broadcasts or scatters a dict dct from rank==source.

  • keys (list or 'all') – List of keys whose values are accepted at each node. In case of keys=all, every node accepts all items and bcast_dict acts as broadcast.

  • source (int) – Rank of node / process which broadcasts / scatters.


dct – A smaller dictionary with values to keys if that key was in source dictionary.

Return type



There is no guarantee that each key,value pair is accepted at other nodes, except for keys='all'. Also in this implementation the input dct from source is completely transmitted to every node, potentially creating a large overhead for may nodes and huge dictionarys

Deleting reference in input dictionary may result in data loss at rank==source

See also


ptypy.utils.parallel.gather_dict(dct, target=0)

Gathers broadcasted or scattered dict dct at rank target.

  • dct (dict) – Input dictionary. Remains unaltered

  • target (int) – Rank of process where the dct’s are gathered


out – Gathered dict at rank==target, Empty dict at rank!=target

Return type



If the same key exists on different nodes, the corresponding values will be consecutively overidden in the order of the ranks at the gathering node without complain or notification.

See also


ptypy.utils.parallel.gather_list(lst, length, indices)

gathers list lst of all processes to a list of length length according to order given by indices. definitely not foolproof The user has to make sure that no index appears twice in all processes

return list of length length. has only meaning in master process

ptypy.utils.parallel.receive(source=None, tag=0)

Wrapper for comm.Recv. Probes first with comm.recv. If the unpickled is a 3-tuple with first entry==’npy’, prepares buffer and waits with comm.Recv

  • source (int or None) – The rank of the node / process sending data. If None, this is set to MPI.ANY_SOURCE

  • tag (int) – Not really useful here - defaults to 0 all the time



Return type

ndarray or other

ptypy.utils.parallel.send(data, dest=0, tag=0)

Wrapper for comm.Send and comm.send. If data is a numpy.ndarray, a header will be sent first with comm.send that contains information on array shape and data type. Afterwards the array will be sent with comm.Send. If data is not a numpy.ndarray, the whole object will be pickled and sent with comm.send in one go.

  • data (ndarray or other) – Object to send

  • dest (int) – The rank of the destination node / process. Defaults to 0 (master).

  • tag (int) – Defaults to 0.

See also

receive, bcast

ptypy.utils.parameters module

Parameter definition.

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

class ptypy.utils.parameters.Param(__d__=None, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

Convenience class: a dictionary that gives access to its keys through attributes.

Note: dictionaries stored in this class are also automatically converted to Param objects: >>> p = Param() >>> p.x = {} >>> p Param({‘x’: {}})

While dict(p) returns a dictionary, it is not recursive, so it is better in this case to use p.todict(). However, p.todict does not check for infinite recursion. So please don’t store a dictionary (or a Param) inside itself.

BE: Please note also that the recursive behavior of the update function will create new references. This will lead inconsistency if other objects refer to dicts or Params in the updated Param instance.

A Dictionary that enables access to its keys as attributes. Same constructor as dict.


Redefined to support dot keys.


Defined to include the keys when using dir(). Useful for tab completion in e.g. ipython. If you do not wish the dict key’s be displayed as attributes (although they are still accessible as such) set the class attribute _display_items_as_attributes to False. Default is True.

Returns Param

A (recursive) copy of P with depth depth

update(__d__=None, in_place_depth=0, Convert=False, **kwargs)

Update Param - almost same behavior as dict.update, except that all dictionaries are converted to Param if Convert is set to True, and update may occur in-place recursively for other Param instances that self refers to.

  • Convert (bool) – If True, convert all dict-like values in self also to Param. WARNING This mey result in misdirected references in your environment

  • in_place_depth (int) – Counter for recursive in-place updates If the counter reaches zero, the Param to a key is replaced instead of updated


Convert the input to a Param.

  • a (dict_like) – Input structure, in any format that can be converted to a Param.

  • Returns

  • out (Param) – The Param structure built from a. No copy is done if the input is already a Param.


Convert param tree from JSON file into Param().


Convert param tree from YAML file into Param().

ptypy.utils.plot_client module

Client tools for plotting.

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

class ptypy.utils.plot_client.MPLClient(client_pars=None, autoplot_pars=None, home=None, layout_pars=None, in_thread=False, is_slave=False)

Bases: ptypy.utils.plot_client.MPLplotter

Create a client and attempt to connect to a running reconstruction server.

DEFAULT = {'dpi': 100, 'figsize': (16, 10), 'gridspecpars': (0.1, 0.12, 0.07, 0.95, 0.05, 0.93), 'home': '/tmp/ptypy/', 'interactive': True, 'movie': False, 'ob': {'auto_display': ['a', 'p'], 'clims': [None, [-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793]], 'cmaps': ['gray', 'hsv'], 'crop': [0.3, 0.3], 'layers': None, 'local_error': False, 'mask': 0.3, 'rm_pr': True, 'shape': None, 'use_colorbar': True}, 'plot_error': [True, True, True], 'pr': {'auto_display': ['c'], 'clims': [None, [-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793]], 'cmaps': ['gray', 'hsv'], 'crop': [0.3, 0.3], 'layers': None, 'local_error': False, 'mask': 0.3, 'rm_pr': True, 'shape': None, 'use_colorbar': True}, 'simplified_aspect_ratios': False}

Plot forever.

class ptypy.utils.plot_client.MPLplotter(pars=None, probes=None, objects=None, runtime=None, in_thread=False)

Bases: object

Plotting Client for Ptypy, using matplotlib.

Create a client and attempt to connect to a running reconstruction server.

DEFAULT = {'dpi': 100, 'figsize': (16, 10), 'gridspecpars': (0.1, 0.12, 0.07, 0.95, 0.05, 0.93), 'home': '/tmp/ptypy/', 'interactive': True, 'movie': False, 'ob': {'auto_display': ['a', 'p'], 'clims': [None, [-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793]], 'cmaps': ['gray', 'hsv'], 'crop': [0.3, 0.3], 'layers': None, 'local_error': False, 'mask': 0.3, 'rm_pr': True, 'shape': None, 'use_colorbar': True}, 'plot_error': [True, True, True], 'pr': {'auto_display': ['c'], 'clims': [None, [-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793]], 'cmaps': ['gray', 'hsv'], 'crop': [0.3, 0.3], 'layers': None, 'local_error': False, 'mask': 0.3, 'rm_pr': True, 'shape': None, 'use_colorbar': True}, 'simplified_aspect_ratios': False}
static create_plot_from_tile_list(fignum=1, num_shape_list=[(4, (2, 2))], figsize=(8, 8), dpi=100)
plot_storage(storage, plot_pars, title='', typ='obj')
save(pattern, count=0)

Generate the plot layout.

class ptypy.utils.plot_client.PlotClient(client_pars=None, in_thread=False)

Bases: object

A client that connects and continually gets the data required for plotting. Note: all data is transferred as soon as the server provides it. This might be a waste of bandwidth if all that is required is a client that plots “on demand”…

This PlotClient doesn’t actually plot.

Create a client and attempt to connect to a running reconstruction server.

DATA = 2

Disconnect from reconstruction server.


Thread-safe way to copy data buffer. :return:


This needs to be run for the thread to initialize.

property status

True only if new data were acquired since last time checked.


Stop loop plot

ptypy.utils.plot_client.figure_from_ptycho(P, pars=None)

Returns a matplotlib figure displaying a reconstruction from a Ptycho instance.

  • P (Ptycho) – Ptycho instance

  • pars (Plotting paramters, optional) – plotting template as u.Param() istance



Return type


ptypy.utils.plot_client.figure_from_ptyr(filename, pars=None)

Returns a matplotlib figure displaying a reconstruction from a .ptyr file.

  • filename (str) – path to .ptyr file

  • pars (Plotting paramters, optional) – plotting template as u.Param() istance



Return type


ptypy.utils.plot_client.spawn_MPLClient(client_pars, autoplot_pars, home=None)

A function that creates and runs a silent instance of MPLClient.

ptypy.utils.plot_utils module

Plotting utilities.

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

class ptypy.utils.plot_utils.PtyAxis(ax=None, data=None, channel='r', cmap=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Plot environment for matplotlib to allow for a Image plot with color axis, potentially of a potentially complex array.

Please note that this class may undergo changes or become obsolete altogether.

  • ax (pyplot.axis) – An axis in matplotlib figure. If None a figure with a single axis will be created.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – The (complex) twodimensional data to be displayed.

  • channel (str) –


    • 'a' to plot absolute/modulus value of the data,

    • 'p' to plot phase value of the data,

    • 'a' to plot real value of the data,

    • 'a' to plot imaginary value of the data,

    • 'a' to plot a composite image where phase channel maps to hue and modulus channel maps to brightness of the color.

  • cmap (str) – String representation of one of matplotlibs colormaps.

  • fontsize (int) – Base font size of labels, etc.

Keyword Arguments
  • vmax (vmin,) – Minimum and maximum value for colormap scaling

  • rmramp (bool) – Remove phase ramp if True, default is False

add_colorbar(aspect=10, fraction=0.2, pad=0.02, resolution=256)
set_channel(channel, update=True)
set_clims(vmin, vmax, update=True)
set_cmap(cmap, update=True)
set_data(data, update=True)
set_mask(mask, update=True)
set_psize(psize, update=True)
ptypy.utils.plot_utils.complex2hsv(cin, vmin=0.0, vmax=None)

Transforms a complex array into an RGB image, mapping phase to hue, amplitude to value and keeping maximum saturation.

  • cin (ndarray) – Complex input. Must be two-dimensional.

  • vmin (float) – Clip amplitude of input into this interval.

  • vmax (float) – Clip amplitude of input into this interval.


rgb – Three dimensional output.

Return type


ptypy.utils.plot_utils.complex2rgb(cin, **kwargs)

Executes complex2hsv and then hsv2rgb


Set the default colormap to Franz’s map and apply to current image if any.


Reverse to complex2hsv


HSV (Hue,Saturation,Value) to RGB (Red,Green,Blue) transformation.


hsv (array-like) – Input must be two-dimensional. First axis is interpreted as hue,saturation,value channels.


rgb – Three dimensional output. Last axis is interpreted as red, green, blue channels.

Return type



Load an image and returns a numpy array. May get deleted

ptypy.utils.plot_utils.imsave(a, filename=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None)

Take array a and transform to PIL.Image object that may be used by pyplot.imshow for example. Also save image buffer directly without the sometimes unnecessary Gui-frame and overhead.

  • a (ndarray) – Two dimensional array. Can be complex, in which case the amplitude will be optionally clipped by vmin and vmax if set.

  • filename (str, optionsl) – File path to save the image buffer to. Use ‘*.png’ or ‘*.png’ as image formats.

  • vmin (float, optional) – Value limits (‘clipping’) to fit the color scale. If not set, color scale will span from minimum to maximum value in array

  • vmax (float, optional) – Value limits (‘clipping’) to fit the color scale. If not set, color scale will span from minimum to maximum value in array

  • cmap (str, optional) – Name of the colormap for colorencoding.


im – a PIL.Image object.

Return type


See also



>>> from ptypy.utils import imsave
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> from ptypy.resources import flower_obj
>>> a = flower_obj(512)
>>> pil = imsave(a)
>>> plt.imshow(pil)

converts array a into, and returns a PIL image and displays it.

>>> pil = imsave(a, /tmp/moon.png)

returns the image and also saves it to filename

>>> imsave(a, vmin=0, vmax=0.5)

clips the array to values between 0 and 0.5.

>>> imsave(abs(a), cmap='gray')

uses a matplotlib colormap with name ‘gray’


Run the GUI event loop for interval seconds.

If there is an active figure, it will be updated and displayed before the pause, and the GUI event loop (if any) will run during the pause.

This can be used for crude animation. For more complex animation use matplotlib.animation.

If there is no active figure, sleep for interval seconds instead.

See also


Proper animations


Show all figures and optional block until all figures are closed.

ptypy.utils.plot_utils.plot_storage(S, fignum=100, modulus='linear', slices=(slice(None, 1, None), slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None)), si_axes='x', mask=None, **kwargs)

Quickly display the data buffer of a Storage instance.

Keyword arguments are the same as PtyAxis

  • S (Storage) – Storage instance

  • fignum (int, optional) – Number of the figure.

  • slices (tuple of slices or string of numpy index expression, optional) – Determines what part of Storage buffer is displayed, i.e. which layers and which region-of-interest. Layers are subplotted horizontically next to each other. Figsize is (6,6*layers)

  • modulus (str, optional) – One of sqrt, log or linear to apply to modulus of array buffer. Useful to reduce dynamic range for diffraction images.

  • si_axes (str, optional) – One of ‘x’,’xy’,’y’ or None, determins which axes display length units instead of pixel units

  • mask (ndarray, scalar or None) – Bool array of valid pixel data for rescaling.



Return type


See also

imsave, Storage


Reverse to complex2rgb


Reverse to hsv2rgb

ptypy.utils.plot_utils.rmphaseramp(a, weight=None, return_phaseramp=False)

Attempts to remove the phase ramp in a two-dimensional complex array a.

  • a (ndarray) – Input image as complex 2D-array.

  • weight (ndarray, str, optional) – Pass weighting array or use 'abs' for a modulus-weighted phaseramp and Non for no weights.

  • return_phaseramp (bool, optional) – Use True to get also the phaseramp array p.


  • out (ndarray) – Modified 2D-array, out=a*p

  • p (ndarray, optional) – Phaseramp if return_phaseramp = True, otherwise omitted


>>> b = rmphaseramp(image)
>>> b, p = rmphaseramp(image , return_phaseramp=True)

ptypy.utils.scripts module

Longer script-like functions.

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

ptypy.utils.scripts.cxro_iref(formula, energy, density=- 1, npts=100)

Query CXRO database for index of refraction values for a solid.

  • formula (str) – String representation of the Formula to use.

  • energy (float or (float, float)) – Either a single energy (in eV) or the minimum/maximum bounds.

  • density (None or float, optional) – Density of the material [g/ccm]. If None or <0 the regular density at ambient temperatures is used.

  • npts (int, optional) – Number of points between the min and max energies.


energy, delta, beta – Energy used and the respective delta and beta values.

Return type

scalar or vector

ptypy.utils.scripts.diversify(A, noise=None, shift=None, power=1.0)

Add diversity to 3d numpy array A, acts in-place.

  • A (np.array) – Input numpy array.

  • noise (2-tuple or 4-tuple) – For detailed description see ptypy.utils.parallel.MPInoise2d

  • power (float, tuple) – Relative power of layers with respect to the first (0) layer. Can be scalar or tuple / array

  • shift (float, tuple) – Relative shift of layers with respect to the first (0) layer. Can be scalar or tuple / array not implemented yet

ptypy.utils.scripts.hdr_image(img_list, exp_list, thresholds=[3000, 50000], dark_list=[], avg_type='highest', mask_list=[], ClipLongestExposure=False, ClipShortestExposure=False)

Generate a high dynamic range image from a list of images img_list and corresponding exposure information in exp_list.

  • img_list (list) – Sequence of images (as 2d np.ndarray)

  • exp_list (list of float) – Associated exposures to each element of above sequence img_list

  • thresholds (list, 2-tuple) – Tuple of lower limit (noise floor) and upper limit (overexposure) in the images.

  • dark_list (list) – Single frame or sequence of dark images (as 2d np.array) of the same length as img_list. These frames are used for dark-field correction

  • avg_type (str) –

    Type of combining all valid pixels:

    • ’highest’, the next longest exposure is used to replace overexposed pixels.

    • <other_string>, overexposed pixels are replaced by the pixel average of all other images with valid pixel values for that pixel.

  • mask_list (list) – Single frame or sequence of 2d np.array. Provide additional masking (dead pixels, hot pixels)

  • ClipLongestExposure (bool) – If True, also mask the noise floor in the longest exposure.

  • ClipShortestExposure (bool) – if True, also mask the overexposed pixels in the shortest exposure.


out – Combined hdr-image with shape of one of the frame in img_list

Return type



>>> from ptypy import io
>>> dark_list, meta = io.image_read('/path/to/dark/images/ccd*.raw')
>>> img_list, meta= io.image_read('/path/to/images/ccd*.raw')
>>> exp_list = [meta[j]['exposure_time__key'] for j in range(len(meta))]
>>> hdr, masks = hdr_image(img_list, exp_list, dark_list=dark_list)
ptypy.utils.scripts.load_from_ptyr(filename, what='probe', ID=None, layer=None)

Convenience script to extract data from *.ptyr-file.

  • filename (str) – Full Path to a *.ptyr data file. No check on the file suffix is done. Any compatible hdf5 formatted file is allowed.

  • what (str) – Type of container to retrieve. Only ‘probe’ and ‘obj’ makes sense. Default is ‘probe’

  • ID (str) – ID of storage in chosen container. If None the first stored storage is chosen.

  • layer (int, optional) – If an integer, the data buffer of chosen storage gets sliced with layer for its first index.


data – If layer is provided, that layer storage,data[layer] will be sliced from the 3d data buffer, else the whole buffer will be returned.

Return type


ptypy.utils.scripts.mass_center(A, axes=None, mask=None)

Calculates mass center of n-dimensional array A along tuple of axis axes.

  • A (ndarray) – input array

  • axes (list, tuple) – Sequence of axes that contribute to distributed mass. If axes==None, all axes are considered.

  • mask (ndarray, None) – If not None, an array the same shape as A acting as mask


mass – Center of mass in pixel for each axis selected.

Return type

1d array

ptypy.utils.scripts.phase_from_dpc(dpc_row, dpc_col)

Implements fourier integration method for two differential quantities.

Assumes 2 arrays of N-dimensions which contain differential quantities in X and Y, i.e. the LAST two dimensions (-2 & -1) in this case.

  • dpc_row (ndarray) – Differential information along 2nd last dimension and last dimension respectively. Must be of the same shape.

  • dpc_col (ndarray) – Differential information along 2nd last dimension and last dimension respectively. Must be of the same shape.


out – Integrated array of same shape as dpc_row and dpc_col.

Return type


ptypy.utils.scripts.png2mpg(listoffiles, framefile='frames.txt', fps=5, bitrate=2000, codec='wmv2', Encode=True, RemoveImages=False)

Makes a movie (*.mpg) from a collection of *.png or *.jpeg frames. Requires binary of mencoder installed on system

  • listoffiles (list of str) – A list of paths to files. Each file will be reinterpreted as a collection files in the same directory, e.g. only the first file in a series needs to be selected. All series for which a first file was given will be concatenated in the movie. May also be a textfile with a listing of frames in which case the creation of an intermediate file of frame paths will be skipped.

  • framefile (str) – Filepath, the respective file will be created to store a list of all frames. This file will be used by mencoder later.

  • fps (scalar) – Frames per second in final movie

  • bitrate (int) – Encoding detail, determines video quality

  • codec (str) – Defines the codec to Use

  • Encode (bool) – If True, video will be encoded calling mencoder If False, mencoder will not be called, but the necessary command expression will be returned instead. Very well suited for a dry-run

  • RemoveImages (bool) – If True, all images referred to by framefile are deleted except for the last frame.


cmd – Command string for the shell to encode the video later manually.

Return type



>>> from ptypy.utils.scripts import png2mpg
>>> png2mpg(['/path/to/image_000.png'])

The following happens: 1) search for files similar to image_*.png in ‘/path/to/’ 2) found files get listed in a file ‘/path/to/frames.txt’ 3) calls mencoder to use that file to encode a movie with the default args. 4) movie is in the same folder as ‘frames.txt’ and is called ‘frames.mpg’

>>> png2mpg(['/path1/to/imageA_040.png', '/path2/to/imageB_001.png'],
>>>         framefile='./banana.txt')

Generates list file ‘banana_text’ in current folder. The list file contains in order every path compatible with the wildcards ‘/path1/to/imageA_*.png’ and ‘/path2/to/imageB_*.png’

>>> str = png2mpg(['/path/to/image_000.png'], Encode=False)

Returns encoder argument string. Use os.system(encoderstring) for encoding manually later

ptypy.utils.scripts.radial_distribution(A, radii=None)

Returns radial mass distribution up to radii in radii.

  • A (ndarray) – input array

  • radii (list, tuple) – Sequence of radii to calculate enclosed mass. If None, the sequence defaults to range(1, np.min(A.shape) / 2)


radii, masses – Sequence of used radii and corresponding integrated mass masses. Sequences have the same length.

Return type


ptypy.utils.scripts.remove_hot_pixels(data, size=3, tolerance=3, ignore_edges=False)

Replaces outlier data points with the median of the surrounding data points.

Removes outlier data points of a 2D numpy array and replaces them with the median of the surrounding data points. Original code (see at the end of function) had been published by DanHickstein on under CC BY-SA license.

  • data (2d np.array) – Input 2D numpy array to be corrected.

  • size (int) – Size of the window on which the median filter will be applied around every data point.

  • tolerance (int) – Tolerance multiplied with the standard deviation of the data array subtracted by the blurred array (difference array) yields the threshold for cutoff.

  • ignore_edges (bool) – If True, edges of the array are ignored, which speeds up the code.


out – Returns a 2d np.array where outlier data points have been replaced with the median of the surrounding data points and a list containing the coordinates of the outlier data points.

Return type

2d array, list

ptypy.utils.scripts.stxm_analysis(storage, probe=None)

Performs a stxm analysis on a storage using the pods.

This function is MPI compatible.

  • storage (ptypy.core.Storage instance) – A Storage instance to be analysed

  • probe (None, scalar or array) –

    • If None, picks a probe from the first view’s pod

    • If scalar, uses a Gaussian with probe as standard deviation

    • Else: attempts to use passed value directly as 2d-probe


  • trans (ndarray) – Transmission of shape storage.shape.

  • dpc_row (ndarray) – Differential phase contrast along row-coordinates, i.e. vertical direction (y-direction) of shape storage.shape.

  • dpc_col (ndarray) – Differential phase contrast along column-coordinates, i.e. horizontal direction (x-direction) of shape storage.shape.

ptypy.utils.scripts.stxm_init(storage, probe=None)

Convenience script that performs a STXM analysis for storage storage given a probe array probe and stores result back in storage.

See also


ptypy.utils.scripts.xradia_star(sh, spokes=48, std=0.5, minfeature=5, ringfact=2, rings=4, contrast=1.0, Fast=False)

Creates an Xradia-like star pattern on an array of shape sh.

Works superb as test pattern in ptychography.

requires scipy

  • sh (int, tuple) – Shape of requested array.

  • std (float) –

    “Resolution” of xradia star, i.e. standard deviation of the

    error function used for smoothing the edges (in pixel).

  • spokes (int, optional) – Number of spokes.

  • minfeature (float, optional) – Spoke width at the smallest (inner) tip (in pixel).

  • ringfact (float) – Increase in feature size from ring to ring (factor). Determines position of the rings.

  • rings (int) – Number of rings with spokes.

  • contrast (float) – Minimum contrast, set to zero for a gradual increase of the profile from zero to 1, set to 1 for no gradient in profile.

  • Fast (bool) – If set to False, the error function is evaluated at the edges. Preferred choice when using fft, as edges are less prone to antialiasing in this case. If set to True, simple boolean comparison will be used instead to draw the edges and the result is later smoothed with a gaussian filter. Preferred choice for impatient users, as this choice is roughly a factor 2 faster for larger arrays


>>> from ptypy.utils.scripts import xradia_star
>>> # Base configuration
>>> X1 = xradia_star(1024)
>>> # Few spokes single ring
>>> X2 = xradia_star(1024, 12, std=4, rings=1, minfeature=10, ringfact=10)
>>> # Very fine plus gradient
>>> X3 = xradia_star(1024, 64, std = 0.2, rings = 10, minfeature=1,
>>>                  contrast=0)
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> ax = plt.subplot(131)
>>> ax.imshow(X1, cmap='gray')
>>> ax = plt.subplot(132)
>>> ax.imshow(X2, cmap='gray')
>>> ax = plt.subplot(133)
>>> ax.imshow(X3, cmap='gray')

ptypy.utils.descriptor module

Parameter validation. This module parses the file resources/parameters_descriptions.csv to extract the parameter defaults for PtyPy. It saves all parameters in the form of a PDesc object, which are flat listed in parameter_descriptions or in entry_points_dct, which only contains parameters with subparameters (children).

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

class ptypy.utils.descriptor.ArgParseDescriptor(name, parent=None, separator='.')

Bases: ptypy.utils.descriptor.Descriptor

  • name (str) – The name of the parameter represented by this instance

  • parent (Descriptor or None) – Parent parameter or None if no parent parameter.

  • separator (str) – Subtree separator character. Defaults to ‘.’.

OPTIONS_DEF = {'choices': 'If parameter is list of choices, these are listed here.', 'default': 'Default value for parameter.', 'help': 'A small docstring for command line parsing (required).'}
add2argparser(parser=None, prefix='', excludes=('scans', 'engines'), mode='add')

Add parameter to an argparse.ArgumentParser instance (or create and return one if parser is None) prefix is

property choices

If parameter is a list of choices, these are listed here.

property default

Returns default as a Python type


A more verbose wrapper around ast.literal_eval

property help

Short descriptive explanation of parameter

class ptypy.utils.descriptor.Descriptor(name, parent=None, separator='.')

Bases: object

Base class for parameter descriptions and validation. This class is used to hold both command line arguments and Param-type parameter descriptions.


OPTIONS_DEF – A dictionary whose keys are attribute names and values are description of the attribute. It this description contains the text “required” or “mandatory”, the attribute is registered as required.

  • name (str) – The name of the parameter represented by this instance

  • parent (Descriptor or None) – Parent parameter or None if no parent parameter.

  • separator (str) – Subtree separator character. Defaults to ‘.’.


Get a descendant

__setitem__(name, desc)

Insert a descendant


Pretty-print the Parameter options in ConfigParser format.

add_child(desc, copy=False)

Hierarchical tree of sub-Parameters.

property descendants

Iterator over all descendants as a pair (path name, object).

from_string(s, strict=False, **kwargs)

Load Parameter from string using Python’s ConfigParser

Each parameter occupies its own section. Separator characters in sections names map to a tree-hierarchy.

Keyword arguments are forwarded to ConfigParser.RawConfigParser


return self.root[path] if it exists, None otherwise.

property is_child

Type check

load_conf_parser(fbuffer, **kwargs)

Load Parameter defaults using Python’s ConfigParser

Each parameter occupies its own section. Separator characters in sections names map to a tree-hierarchy.

Keyword arguments are forwarded to ConfigParser.RawConfigParser

load_csv(fbuffer, **kwargs)

Load from csv as a fielded array. Keyword arguments are passed on to csv.DictReader


Name of parameter

new_child(name, options=None, implicit=False)

Create a new descendant and pass new options.

If name contains separators, intermediate children are created.

If name already exists, update options and return existing child.

If name already exists and had been created implicitly to create a child further down, the order in self.children is corrected to honor the order of explicitly created children. This behaviour can be deactivated by setting implicit=True.

property option_keys

Attributes to the parameters.


Parent parameter (Descriptor type) if it has one.

property path

Return complete path from root of parameter tree. (self.root[self.path] == self should always be True unless self.root is root)


Remove and return the parameter “name” and all its children. :param name: The descendant name :return: The Parameter object.

property root

Return root of parameter tree.

save_conf_parser(fbuffer, print_optional=True)

Save Parameter defaults using Pythons ConfigParser

Each parameter occupies its own section. Separator characters in sections names map to a tree-hierarchy.

save_csv(fbuffer, **kwargs)

Save to fbuffer. Keyword arguments are passed on to csv.DictWriter


Return the full content of descriptor as a string in configparser format.

class ptypy.utils.descriptor.EvalDescriptor(name, parent=None, separator='.')

Bases: ptypy.utils.descriptor.ArgParseDescriptor

Parameter class to store metadata for all ptypy parameters (default, limits, documentation, etc.)

Parameter class to store metadata for all ptypy parameters (default, limits, documentation, etc.)

OPTIONS_DEF = {'choices': 'If parameter is list of choices, these are listed here.', 'default': 'Default value for parameter (required).', 'doc': 'A longer explanation for the online docs.', 'help': 'A small docstring for command line parsing (required).', 'lowlim': 'Lower limit for scalar / integer values', 'type': 'Comma separated list of acceptable types.', 'uplim': 'Upper limit for scalar / integer values', 'userlevel': 'User level, a higher level means a parameter that is \n                     less likely to vary or harder to understand.'}
check(pars, depth=99)

Check that input parameter pars is consistent with parameter description, up to given depth.

  • pars (The input parameter or parameter tree) –

  • depth (The level at wich verification is done.) –

Return type

A dictionary report using CODES values.

create_template(filename=None, start_at_root=True, user_level=0, doc_level=2)

Creates templates for ptypy scripts from an EvalDescriptor instance.

property default

Default value as a Python type

property doc

Long documentation, may contain sphinx inline markup.

property is_evaluable

True if type/default are symlinks.

property is_target

True if parent of symlink targets.

property limits

(lower, upper) limits if applicable. (None, None) otherwise


Creates a default parameter structure.


depth (int) – The depth in the structure to which all sub nodes are expanded All nodes beyond depth will be ignored.


pars – A parameter branch as Param.

Return type



>>> from ptypy.utils.descriptor import defaults_tree
>>> print(defaults_tree['io'].make_default(depth=5))
make_doc_rst(prst, use_root=True)

Pretty-print in RST format the whole structure.

parse_doc(name=None, recursive=True)

Decorator to parse docstring and automatically attach new parameters. The parameter section is identified by a line starting with the word “Parameters”

  • name (str) – The descendant name under which all parameters will be held. If None, use self.

  • recursive (bool) – Whether or not to traverse the docstring of base classes. Is there are use case for this?

Return type

The decorator function.


Checks if default parameters from configuration are self-constistent with limits and choices.

property type

List of possible data types.

property userlevel

User level, a higher level means a parameter that is less likely to vary or harder to understand.

validate(pars, raisecodes=(0, 4))

Check that the parameter structure pars matches the documented constraints for this node / parameter.

The function raises a RuntimeError if one of the code in the list raisecodes has been found. If raisecode is empty, the function will always return successfully but problems will be logged using logger.

  • pars (Param, dict) – A parameter set to validate

  • raisecodes (list) – List of codes that will raise a RuntimeError.

ptypy.utils.verbose module

Verbose package, based on the standard logging library.

Use as: from verbose import logger logger.warning(‘This is a warning’)‘This is an information’) …

TODO: - Handlers for file and for interaction server - option for logging.disable to reduce call overhead

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.

ptypy.utils.verbose.log(level, msg, parallel=False), depth=4, noheader=False)

no protection for circular references


Set verbosity level. Kept here for backward compatibility

Module contents

Util sub-package

This file is part of the PTYPY package.


Copyright 2014 by the PTYPY team, see AUTHORS.


see LICENSE for details.